Fifteen Things to Say to a Woman with PMDD

I was diagnosed with Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) five years ago. It was right after the birth of my son. I felt off, not like myself, and very irritable. It was hard for me to concentrate and take care of my new baby, and my daughter. I was constantly trying to subdue my inner Joan Crawford. No more plastic baby hangers!

I went to my gynecologist and told him how I was feeling. He prescribed birth control pills and said I had PMDD. I said “yeah, you know me.”

I took the pills, and felt better within days. I have been taking them for 5 years now, but recently they have stopped working and my PMDD has become severe and debilitating. It is the worst thing I have ever been through, and I watched the movie version of The Phantom of The Opera.

I don’t think I would get through it without a little help from my husband, my doctors and of course my friends. (Beatles ear-worm starts NOW!)

I had never heard of PMDD before, and if I tell anyone about it they have no idea what it is either.

Johns Hopkins Medicine describes it as follows:

“an abnormal reaction to normal hormone changes that occur with each menstrual cycle. The hormone changes can cause a serotonin deficiency. Serotonin is a substance found naturally in the brain and intestines that narrows blood vessels and can affect mood and cause physical symptoms.”

I describe it as follows:

“When Moses begins the cycle of parting my Red Sea, I get cray-cray.”

I can personally tell you how serious and difficult PMDD is. It is like entering the Amityville Horrors door to the pit of Hell- you want to get out, but you are stuck in a suburban type home on Long Island full of tears, fears, and Tears for Fears music.

According to Harvard Health about 15% of PMDD sufferers attempt suicide.

I can personally tell you I now know why they do.

If you know anyone with PMDD, or anyone who you think may be suffering, here is a list of 15 things you can say to help:

  1. I believe you have a real illness called PMDD, and that it is not your fault. Tell me more about it. I will sit with you on the bench of life just like Forrest Gump. I know that life is not always a box of chocolates.
  2. I still love you and will support you for as long as it takes to get the proper treatment. Even if it means decades until you reach menopause. Golden girls here we come!
  3. If you need some space I will give it to you, even if you tell me to f*ck off and go to another galaxy. Just let me know when you would like me to visit/call, I will always want you to live long and prosper.
  4. If you need a friend, I will always be here. I’m not going anywhere, not even when you become Bitchzilla, or your head spins around like Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist.
  5. If you need a ride to the doctor’s office, I will take you in my bitchin’ Camaro. There may even be donuts on my lawn.
  6. If you need someone to pick up your prescribed medication at the pharmacy, just call and say “Hello, it’s Xanax I’m looking for.”
  7. If you need help doing some research or finding a proper specialist, I will help you, I know how overwhelmed you are. The FBI’s got nothin’ on me.
  8. If you have to stay home often, I’ll join you and not feel like I’m missing out on anything, because you are what matters to me and that’s what friends/loved ones do. They show up. They’ll do a Game of Thrones or Godzilla marathon, watch Terms of Endearment, or Star Wars: A New Hope for the 100th time. Whatever suits your mood.
  9. If you have a panic attack, I will hold your hand and comfort you and help you breathe until it’s over. We will find balance together, and Rock the Chakra or the Casbah.
  10. I don’t like to see you suffer and I will do anything I can to help you ease the pain, even sit near you when your dogs are barkin’ like Del Griffith from Planes, Trains and Automobiles.
  11. Just let me know what you need, and I will do my best to help you. You don’t have to become a drifter and walk alone, no matter what Whitesnake says.
  12. You can always count on me. I am not going anywhere. Like Bon Jovi says “I’ll be there for you.” We will live on a prayer…together.
  13. I will not judge you and will always love you no matter what. (Unless you start listening to Justin Bieber or sport a mullet, then the deal’s off.)
  14. I’m so proud of you for your strength and courage. You are doing a great job trying to fight this. I know you will eventually succeed. (Insert Rocky theme song.)
  15. As Ted says, we are Thunder Buddies for life! I will help you through any storm, that’s what spouses/friends do, that’s what I will always do!

This blog marks the first time I have been able to find humor in my current situation. This illness is not humorous though. If you need help please go see your doctor right away. If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide please call 911 or The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.

A helpful closed Facebook support group is PMDD Moms:

I wish all of you that suffer strength, success, peace and much love.

Hang in there, you will eventually be okay, don’t give up!




  1. Sandy Glines · June 15, 2016

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Marie Patrick · July 2, 2016

    I have PMDD ,and you described it so well. I was so depressed and suicidal for years. It is a serious condition that no one seems to know about. I appreciate your humor and the awareness you are bringing. Great post:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • poetologie · July 30, 2016

      thank you so much. It is so tough. I just got the full operation/removal this week so I hope I’m cured now, though I know I still have many challenges ahead. I hope you are feeling/coping okay and I wish you much success and happiness 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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